Interface: IDecorationOptions


  • IDecorationOptions




Optional Readonly anchor

anchor? : *“right” “left”*

Defined in xterm.d.ts:553

Optional Readonly backgroundColor

backgroundColor? : string

Defined in xterm.d.ts:576

The background color of the cell(s). When 2 decorations both set the foreground color the last registered decoration will be used. Only the #RRGGBB format is supported.

Optional Readonly foregroundColor

foregroundColor? : string

Defined in xterm.d.ts:583

The foreground color of the cell(s). When 2 decorations both set the foreground color the last registered decoration will be used. Only the #RRGGBB format is supported.

Optional Readonly height

height? : number

Defined in xterm.d.ts:569

The height of the decoration in cells, defaults to 1.

Optional Readonly layer

layer? : *“bottom” “top”*

Defined in xterm.d.ts:593

What layer to render the decoration at when backgroundColor or foregroundColor are used. 'bottom' will render under the selection, 'top’ will render above the selection*.

* The selection will render on top regardless of layer on the canvas renderer due to how it renders selection separately.

Readonly marker

marker: IMarker

Defined in xterm.d.ts:547

The line in the terminal where the decoration will be displayed

Optional overviewRulerOptions

overviewRulerOptions? : IDecorationOverviewRulerOptions

Defined in xterm.d.ts:602

When defined, renders the decoration in the overview ruler to the right of the terminal. ITerminalOptions.overviewRulerWidth must be set in order to see the overview ruler.

param The color of the decoration.

param The position of the decoration.

Optional Readonly width

width? : number

Defined in xterm.d.ts:564

The width of the decoration in cells, defaults to 1.

Optional Readonly x

x? : number

Defined in xterm.d.ts:558

The x position offset relative to the anchor