Class: Terminal

The class that represents an xterm.js terminal.


  • Terminal








+ new Terminal(options?: ITerminalOptions & ITerminalInitOnlyOptions): Terminal

Defined in xterm.d.ts:872

Creates a new Terminal object.


Name Type Description
options? ITerminalOptions & ITerminalInitOnlyOptions An object containing a set of options.

Returns: Terminal


Readonly buffer

buffer: IBufferNamespace

Defined in xterm.d.ts:809

Access to the terminal’s normal and alt buffer.

Readonly cols

cols: number

Defined in xterm.d.ts:804

The number of columns in the terminal’s viewport. Use ITerminalOptions.cols to set this in the constructor and Terminal.resize for when the terminal exists.

Readonly element

element: *HTMLElement undefined*

Defined in xterm.d.ts:785

The element containing the terminal.

Readonly markers

markers: ReadonlyArray‹IMarker

Defined in xterm.d.ts:815

(EXPERIMENTAL) Get all markers registered against the buffer. If the alt buffer is active this will always return [].

Readonly modes

modes: IModes

Defined in xterm.d.ts:831

Gets the terminal modes as set by SM/DECSET.


onBell: IEvent‹void›

Defined in xterm.d.ts:885

Adds an event listener for when the bell is triggered.

returns an IDisposable to stop listening.


onBinary: IEvent‹string›

Defined in xterm.d.ts:896

Adds an event listener for when a binary event fires. This is used to enable non UTF-8 conformant binary messages to be sent to the backend. Currently this is only used for a certain type of mouse reports that happen to be not UTF-8 compatible. The event value is a JS string, pass it to the underlying pty as binary data, e.g. pty.write(Buffer.from(data, 'binary')).

returns an IDisposable to stop listening.


onCursorMove: IEvent‹void›

Defined in xterm.d.ts:902

Adds an event listener for the cursor moves.

returns an IDisposable to stop listening.


onData: IEvent‹string›

Defined in xterm.d.ts:911

Adds an event listener for when a data event fires. This happens for example when the user types or pastes into the terminal. The event value is whatever string results, in a typical setup, this should be passed on to the backing pty.

returns an IDisposable to stop listening.


onKey: IEvent‹object›

Defined in xterm.d.ts:919

Adds an event listener for when a key is pressed. The event value contains the string that will be sent in the data event as well as the DOM event that triggered it.

returns an IDisposable to stop listening.


onLineFeed: IEvent‹void›

Defined in xterm.d.ts:925

Adds an event listener for when a line feed is added.

returns an IDisposable to stop listening.


onRender: IEvent‹object›

Defined in xterm.d.ts:933

Adds an event listener for when rows are rendered. The event value contains the start row and end rows of the rendered area (ranges from 0 to Terminal.rows - 1).

returns an IDisposable to stop listening.


onResize: IEvent‹object›

Defined in xterm.d.ts:951

Adds an event listener for when the terminal is resized. The event value contains the new size.

returns an IDisposable to stop listening.


onScroll: IEvent‹number›

Defined in xterm.d.ts:958

Adds an event listener for when a scroll occurs. The event value is the new position of the viewport.

returns an IDisposable to stop listening.


onSelectionChange: IEvent‹void›

Defined in xterm.d.ts:964

Adds an event listener for when a selection change occurs.

returns an IDisposable to stop listening.


onTitleChange: IEvent‹string›

Defined in xterm.d.ts:971

Adds an event listener for when an OSC 0 or OSC 2 title change occurs. The event value is the new title.

returns an IDisposable to stop listening.


onWriteParsed: IEvent‹void›

Defined in xterm.d.ts:944

Adds an event listener for when data has been parsed by the terminal, after write is called. This event is useful to listen for any changes in the buffer.

This fires at most once per frame, after data parsing completes. Note that this can fire when there are still writes pending if there is a lot of data.


options: ITerminalOptions

Defined in xterm.d.ts:867

Gets or sets the terminal options. This supports setting multiple options.

example Get a single option


example Set a single option:

terminal.options.fontSize = 12;

Note that for options that are object, a new object must be used in order to take effect as a reference comparison will be done:

const newValue = terminal.options.theme;
newValue.background = '#000000';

// This won't work
terminal.options.theme = newValue;

// This will work
terminal.options.theme = { ...newValue };

example Set multiple options

terminal.options = {
  fontSize: 12,
  fontFamily: 'Courier New'

Readonly parser

parser: IParser

Defined in xterm.d.ts:820

Get the parser interface to register custom escape sequence handlers.

Readonly rows

rows: number

Defined in xterm.d.ts:797

The number of rows in the terminal’s viewport. Use ITerminalOptions.rows to set this in the constructor and Terminal.resize for when the terminal exists.

Readonly textarea

textarea: *HTMLTextAreaElement undefined*

Defined in xterm.d.ts:790

The textarea that accepts input for the terminal.

Readonly unicode

unicode: IUnicodeHandling

Defined in xterm.d.ts:826

(EXPERIMENTAL) Get the Unicode handling interface to register and switch Unicode version.

Static strings

strings: ILocalizableStrings

Defined in xterm.d.ts:872

Natural language strings that can be localized.



attachCustomKeyEventHandler(customKeyEventHandler: function): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1040

Attaches a custom key event handler which is run before keys are processed, giving consumers of xterm.js ultimate control as to what keys should be processed by the terminal and what keys should not.

example A custom keymap that overrides the backspace key

const keymap = [
  { "key": "Backspace", "shiftKey": false, "mapCode": 8 },
  { "key": "Backspace", "shiftKey": true, "mapCode": 127 }
term.attachCustomKeyEventHandler(ev => {
  if (ev.type === 'keydown') {
    for (let i in keymap) {
      if (keymap[i].key == ev.key && keymap[i].shiftKey == ev.shiftKey) {
        return false;


customKeyEventHandler: function

The custom KeyboardEvent handler to attach. This is a function that takes a KeyboardEvent, allowing consumers to stop propagation and/or prevent the default action. The function returns whether the event should be processed by xterm.js.

▸ (event: KeyboardEvent): boolean


Name Type
event KeyboardEvent

Returns: void


attachCustomWheelEventHandler(customWheelEventHandler: function): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1062

Attaches a custom wheel event handler which is run before keys are processed, giving consumers of xterm.js control over whether to proceed or cancel terminal wheel events.

example A handler that prevents all wheel events while ctrl is held from being processed.

term.attachCustomWheelEventHandler(ev => {
  if (ev.ctrlKey) {
    return false;
  return true;


customWheelEventHandler: function

The custom WheelEvent handler to attach. This is a function that takes a WheelEvent, allowing consumers to stop propagation and/or prevent the default action. The function returns whether the event should be processed by xterm.js.

▸ (event: WheelEvent): boolean


Name Type
event WheelEvent

Returns: void


blur(): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:976

Unfocus the terminal.

Returns: void


clear(): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1206

Clear the entire buffer, making the prompt line the new first line.

Returns: void


clearSelection(): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1146

Clears the current terminal selection.

Returns: void


clearTextureAtlas(): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1249

Clears the texture atlas of the canvas renderer if it’s active. Doing this will force a redraw of all glyphs which can workaround issues causing the texture to become corrupt, for example Chromium/Nvidia has an issue where the texture gets messed up when resuming the OS from sleep.

Returns: void


deregisterCharacterJoiner(joinerId: number): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1108

(EXPERIMENTAL) Deregisters the character joiner if one was registered. NOTE: character joiners are only used by the canvas renderer.


Name Type Description
joinerId number The character joiner’s ID (returned after register)

Returns: void


dispose(): void

Implementation of IDisposable

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1173

Returns: void


focus(): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:981

Focus the terminal.

Returns: void


getSelection(): string

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1136

Gets the terminal’s current selection, this is useful for implementing copy behavior outside of xterm.js.

Returns: string


getSelectionPosition(): *IBufferRange undefined*

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1141

Gets the selection position or undefined if there is no selection.

Returns: *IBufferRange undefined*


hasSelection(): boolean

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1130

Gets whether the terminal has an active selection.

Returns: boolean


input(data: string, wasUserInput?: boolean): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:993

Input data to application side. The data is treated the same way input typed into the terminal would (ie. the onData event will fire).


Name Type Description
data string The data to forward to the application.
wasUserInput? boolean Whether the input is genuine user input. This is true by default and triggers additionalbehavior like focus or selection clearing. Set this to false if the data sent should not be treated like user input would, for example passing an escape sequence to the application.

Returns: void


loadAddon(addon: ITerminalAddon): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1260

Loads an addon into this instance of xterm.js.


Name Type Description
addon ITerminalAddon The addon to load.

Returns: void


open(parent: HTMLElement): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1011

Opens the terminal within an element. This should also be called if the xterm.js element ever changes browser window.


Name Type Description
parent HTMLElement The element to create the terminal within. This element must be visible (have dimensions) when open is called as several DOM- based measurements need to be performed when this function is called.

Returns: void


paste(data: string): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1233

Writes text to the terminal, performing the necessary transformations for pasted text.


Name Type Description
data string The text to write to the terminal.

Returns: void


refresh(start: number, end: number): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1241

Tells the renderer to refresh terminal content between two rows (inclusive) at the next opportunity.


Name Type Description
start number The row to start from (between 0 and this.rows - 1).
end number The row to end at (between start and this.rows - 1).

Returns: void


registerCharacterJoiner(handler: function): number

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1101

(EXPERIMENTAL) Registers a character joiner, allowing custom sequences of characters to be rendered as a single unit. This is useful in particular for rendering ligatures and graphemes, among other things.

Each registered character joiner is called with a string of text representing a portion of a line in the terminal that can be rendered as a single unit. The joiner must return a sorted array, where each entry is itself an array of length two, containing the start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) index of a substring of the input that should be rendered as a single unit. When multiple joiners are provided, the results of each are collected. If there are any overlapping substrings between them, they are combined into one larger unit that is drawn together.

All character joiners that are registered get called every time a line is rendered in the terminal, so it is essential for the handler function to run as quickly as possible to avoid slowdowns when rendering. Similarly, joiners should strive to return the smallest possible substrings to render together, since they aren’t drawn as optimally as individual characters.

NOTE: character joiners are only used by the canvas renderer.


handler: function

The function that determines character joins. It is called with a string of text that is eligible for joining and returns an array where each entry is an array containing the start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) indexes of ranges that should be rendered as a single unit.

▸ (text: string): [][]


Name Type
text string

Returns: number

The ID of the new joiner, this can be used to deregister


registerDecoration(decorationOptions: IDecorationOptions): *IDecoration undefined*

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1125

(EXPERIMENTAL) Adds a decoration to the terminal using

throws when options include a negative x offset.


Name Type
decorationOptions IDecorationOptions
Returns: *IDecoration undefined*


registerLinkProvider(linkProvider: ILinkProvider): IDisposable

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1070

Registers a link provider, allowing a custom parser to be used to match and handle links. Multiple link providers can be used, they will be asked in the order in which they are registered.


Name Type Description
linkProvider ILinkProvider The link provider to use to detect links.

Returns: IDisposable


registerMarker(cursorYOffset?: number): IMarker

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1115

Adds a marker to the normal buffer and returns it.


Name Type Description
cursorYOffset? number The y position offset of the marker from the cursor.

Returns: IMarker

The new marker or undefined.


reset(): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1254

Perform a full reset (RIS, aka ‘\x1bc’).

Returns: void


resize(columns: number, rows: number): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1002

Resizes the terminal. It’s best practice to debounce calls to resize, this will help ensure that the pty can respond to the resize event before another one occurs.


Name Type
columns number
rows number

Returns: void


scrollLines(amount: number): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1179

Scroll the display of the terminal


Name Type Description
amount number The number of lines to scroll down (negative scroll up).

Returns: void


scrollPages(pageCount: number): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1185

Scroll the display of the terminal by a number of pages.


Name Type Description
pageCount number The number of pages to scroll (negative scrolls up).

Returns: void


scrollToBottom(): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1195

Scrolls the display of the terminal to the bottom.

Returns: void


scrollToLine(line: number): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1201

Scrolls to a line within the buffer.


Name Type Description
line number The 0-based line index to scroll to.

Returns: void


scrollToTop(): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1190

Scrolls the display of the terminal to the top.

Returns: void


select(column: number, row: number, length: number): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1154

Selects text within the terminal.


Name Type Description
column number The column the selection starts at.
row number The row the selection starts at.
length number The length of the selection.

Returns: void


selectAll(): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1159

Selects all text within the terminal.

Returns: void


selectLines(start: number, end: number): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1166

Selects text in the buffer between 2 lines.


Name Type Description
start number The 0-based line index to select from (inclusive).
end number The 0-based line index to select to (inclusive).

Returns: void


write(data: string Uint8Array, callback?: function): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1216

Write data to the terminal.


data: *string Uint8Array*

The data to write to the terminal. This can either be raw bytes given as Uint8Array from the pty or a string. Raw bytes will always be treated as UTF-8 encoded, string data as UTF-16.

Optional callback: function

Optional callback that fires when the data was processed by the parser.

▸ (): void

Returns: void


writeln(data: string Uint8Array, callback?: function): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1226

Writes data to the terminal, followed by a break line character (\n).


data: *string Uint8Array*

The data to write to the terminal. This can either be raw bytes given as Uint8Array from the pty or a string. Raw bytes will always be treated as UTF-8 encoded, string data as UTF-16.

Optional callback: function

Optional callback that fires when the data was processed by the parser.

▸ (): void

Returns: void