Interface: IParser
Allows hooking into the parser for custom handling of escape sequences.
Note on sync vs. async handlers:
xterm.js implements all parser actions with synchronous handlers.
In general custom handlers should also operate in sync mode wherever
possible to keep the parser fast.
Still the exposed interfaces allow to register async handlers by returning
a Promise<boolean>
. Here the parser will pause input processing until
the promise got resolved or rejected (in-band blocking). This “full stop”
on the input chain allows to implement backpressure from a certain async
action while the terminal state will not progress any further from input.
It does not mean that the terminal state will not change at all in between,
as user actions like resize or reset are still processed immediately.
It is an error to assume a stable terminal state while giving back control
in between, e.g. by multiple chained then
Downside of an async handler is a rather bad throughput performance,
thus use async handlers only as a last resort or for actions that have
to rely on async interfaces itself.
- IParser
▸ registerCsiHandler(id
: IFunctionIdentifier, callback
: function): IDisposable
Defined in xterm.d.ts:1775
Adds a handler for CSI escape sequences.
▪ id: IFunctionIdentifier
Specifies the function identifier under which the callback gets registered, e.g. {final: ‘m’} for SGR.
▪ callback: function
The function to handle the sequence. The callback is
called with the numerical params. If the sequence has subparams the array
will contain subarrays with their numercial values. Return true
if the
sequence was handled, false
if the parser should try a previous
handler. The most recently added handler is tried first.
▸ (params : (number |
number[])[]): *boolean | Promise‹boolean›* |
Name | Type |
params |
(number | number[])[] |
Returns: IDisposable
An IDisposable you can call to remove this handler.
▸ registerDcsHandler(id
: IFunctionIdentifier, callback
: function): IDisposable
Defined in xterm.d.ts:1793
Adds a handler for DCS escape sequences.
▪ id: IFunctionIdentifier
Specifies the function identifier under which the callback gets registered, e.g. {intermediates: ‘$’ final: ‘q’} for DECRQSS.
▪ callback: function
The function to handle the sequence. Note that the
function will only be called once if the sequence finished sucessfully.
There is currently no way to intercept smaller data chunks, data chunks
will be stored up until the sequence is finished. Since DCS sequences are
not limited by the amount of data this might impose a problem for big
payloads. Currently xterm.js limits DCS payload to 10 MB which should
give enough room for most use cases. The function gets the payload and
numerical parameters as arguments. Return true
if the sequence was
handled, false
if the parser should try a previous handler. The most
recently added handler is tried first.
▸ (data : string, param : (number |
number[])[]): *boolean | Promise‹boolean›* |
Name | Type |
data |
string |
param |
(number | number[])[] |
Returns: IDisposable
An IDisposable you can call to remove this handler.
▸ registerEscHandler(id
: IFunctionIdentifier, handler
: function): IDisposable
Defined in xterm.d.ts:1805
Adds a handler for ESC escape sequences.
▪ id: IFunctionIdentifier
Specifies the function identifier under which the callback gets registered, e.g. {intermediates: ‘%’ final: ‘G’} for default charset selection.
▪ handler: function
▸ (): *boolean | Promise‹boolean›* |
Returns: IDisposable
An IDisposable you can call to remove this handler.
▸ registerOscHandler(ident
: number, callback
: function): IDisposable
Defined in xterm.d.ts:1822
Adds a handler for OSC escape sequences.
▪ ident: number
The number (first parameter) of the sequence.
▪ callback: function
The function to handle the sequence. Note that the
function will only be called once if the sequence finished sucessfully.
There is currently no way to intercept smaller data chunks, data chunks
will be stored up until the sequence is finished. Since OSC sequences are
not limited by the amount of data this might impose a problem for big
payloads. Currently xterm.js limits OSC payload to 10 MB which should
give enough room for most use cases. The callback is called with OSC data
string. Return true
if the sequence was handled, false
if the parser
should try a previous handler. The most recently added handler is tried
▸ (data : string): *boolean |
Promise‹boolean›* |
Name | Type |
data |
string |
Returns: IDisposable
An IDisposable you can call to remove this handler.