Interface: ILink

A link within the terminal.


  • ILink





Optional decorations

decorations? : ILinkDecorations

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1381

What link decorations to show when hovering the link, this property is tracked and changes made after the link is provided will trigger changes. If not set, all decroations will be enabled.


range: IBufferRange

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1369

The buffer range of the link.


text: string

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1374

The text of the link.



activate(event: MouseEvent, text: string): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1388

Calls when the link is activated.


Name Type Description
event MouseEvent The mouse event triggering the callback.
text string The text of the link.

Returns: void

Optional dispose

dispose(): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1410

Called when the link is released and no longer used by xterm.js.

Returns: void

Optional hover

hover(event: MouseEvent, text: string): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1398

Called when the mouse hovers the link. To use this to create a DOM-based hover tooltip, create the hover element within Terminal.element and add the xterm-hover class to it, that will cause mouse events to not fall through and activate other links.


Name Type Description
event MouseEvent The mouse event triggering the callback.
text string The text of the link.

Returns: void

Optional leave

leave(event: MouseEvent, text: string): void

Defined in xterm.d.ts:1405

Called when the mouse leaves the link.


Name Type Description
event MouseEvent The mouse event triggering the callback.
text string The text of the link.

Returns: void