Supported Terminal Sequences

xterm.js version: 5.5.0

Table of Contents

General notes

This document lists xterm.js’ support of terminal sequences. The sequences are grouped by their sequence type:

  • C0: single byte command (7bit control codes, byte range \x00 .. \x1F, \x7F)
  • C1: single byte command (8bit control codes, byte range \x80 .. \x9F)
  • ESC: sequence starting with ESC (\x1B)
  • CSI - Control Sequence Introducer: sequence starting with ESC [ (7bit) or CSI (\x9B, 8bit)
  • DCS - Device Control String: sequence starting with ESC P (7bit) or DCS (\x90, 8bit)
  • OSC - Operating System Command: sequence starting with ESC ] (7bit) or OSC (\x9D, 8bit)

Application Program Command (APC), Privacy Message (PM) and Start of String (SOS) are recognized but not supported, any sequence of these types will be silently ignored. They are also not hookable by the API.

Note that the list only marks sequences implemented in xterm.js’ core codebase as supported. Missing sequences are either not supported or unstable/experimental. Furthermore addons or integrations can provide additional custom sequences (denoted as “External” where known).

To denote the sequences the tables use the same abbreviations as xterm does:

  • Ps: A single (usually optional) numeric parameter, composed of one or more decimal digits.
  • Pm: Multiple numeric parameters composed of any number of single numeric parameters, separated by ; character(s), e.g. ` Ps ; Ps ; … `.
  • Pt: A text parameter composed of printable characters. Note that for most commands with Pt only ASCII printables are specified to work. Additionally the parser will let pass any codepoint greater than C1 as printable.


Mnemonic Name Sequence Short Description Support
NUL Null \0, \x00 NUL is ignored.
BEL Bell \a, \x07 Ring the bell. more
BS Backspace \b, \x08 Move the cursor one position to the left. more
HT Horizontal Tabulation \t, \x09 Move the cursor to the next character tab stop.
LF Line Feed \n, \x0A Move the cursor one row down, scrolling if needed. more
VT Vertical Tabulation \v, \x0B Treated as LF.
FF Form Feed \f, \x0C Treated as LF.
CR Carriage Return \r, \x0D Move the cursor to the beginning of the row.
SO Shift Out \x0E Switch to an alternative character set. Partial
SI Shift In \x0F Return to regular character set after Shift Out.
ESC Escape \e, \x1B Start of a sequence. Cancels any other sequence.


The behavior of the bell is further customizable with ITerminalOptions.bellStyle and ITerminalOptions.bellSound.


By default it is not possible to move the cursor past the leftmost position. If reverse wrap-around (CSI ? 45 h) is set, a previous soft line wrap (DECAWM) can be undone with BS within the scroll margins. In that case the cursor will wrap back to the end of the previous row. Note that it is not possible to peek back into the scrollbuffer with the cursor, thus at the home position (top-leftmost cell) this has no effect.

Line Feed

Scrolling is restricted to scroll margins and will only happen on the bottom line.


Mnemonic Name Sequence Short Description Support
IND Index \x84 Move the cursor one line down scrolling if needed.
NEL Next Line \x85 Move the cursor to the beginning of the next row.
HTS Horizontal Tabulation Set \x88 Places a tab stop at the current cursor position.
DCS Device Control String \x90 Start of a DCS sequence.
CSI Control Sequence Introducer \x9B Start of a CSI sequence.
ST String Terminator \x9C Terminator used for string type sequences.
OSC Operating System Command \x9D Start of an OSC sequence.
PM Privacy Message \x9E Start of a privacy message.
APC Application Program Command \x9F Start of an APC sequence.


Mnemonic Name Sequence Short Description Support
ICH Insert Characters CSI Ps @ Insert Ps (blank) characters (default = 1). more
SL Scroll Left CSI Ps SP @ Scroll viewport Ps times to the left. more
CUU Cursor Up CSI Ps A Move cursor Ps times up (default=1). more
SR Scroll Right CSI Ps SP A Scroll viewport Ps times to the right. more
CUD Cursor Down CSI Ps B Move cursor Ps times down (default=1). more
CUF Cursor Forward CSI Ps C Move cursor Ps times forward (default=1).
CUB Cursor Backward CSI Ps D Move cursor Ps times backward (default=1).
CNL Cursor Next Line CSI Ps E Move cursor Ps times down (default=1) and to the first column. more
CPL Cursor Backward CSI Ps F Move cursor Ps times up (default=1) and to the first column. more
CHA Cursor Horizontal Absolute CSI Ps G Move cursor to Ps-th column of the active row (default=1).
CUP Cursor Position CSI Ps ; Ps H Set cursor to position [Ps, Ps] (default = [1, 1]). more
CHT Cursor Horizontal Tabulation CSI Ps I Move cursor Ps times tabs forward (default=1).
ED Erase In Display CSI Ps J Erase various parts of the viewport. more
DECSED Selective Erase In Display CSI ? Ps J Same as ED with respecting protection flag.
EL Erase In Line CSI Ps K Erase various parts of the active row. more
DECSEL Selective Erase In Line CSI ? Ps K Same as EL with respecting protecting flag.
IL Insert Line CSI Ps L Insert Ps blank lines at active row (default=1). more
DL Delete Line CSI Ps M Delete Ps lines at active row (default=1). more
DCH Delete Character CSI Ps P Delete Ps characters (default=1). more
SU Scroll Up CSI Ps S Scroll Ps lines up (default=1).
SD Scroll Down CSI Ps T Scroll Ps lines down (default=1).
ECH Erase Character CSI Ps X Erase Ps characters from current cursor position to the right (default=1). more
CBT Cursor Backward Tabulation CSI Ps Z Move cursor Ps tabs backward (default=1).
HPA Horizontal Position Absolute CSI Ps ` Same as CHA.
HPR Horizontal Position Relative CSI Ps a Same as CUF.
REP Repeat Preceding Character CSI Ps b Repeat preceding character Ps times (default=1). more
DA1 Primary Device Attributes CSI c Send primary device attributes.
DA2 Secondary Device Attributes CSI > c Send primary device attributes.
VPA Vertical Position Absolute CSI Ps d Move cursor to Ps-th row (default=1).
VPR Vertical Position Relative CSI Ps e Move cursor Ps times down (default=1).
HVP Horizontal and Vertical Position CSI Ps ; Ps f Same as CUP.
TBC Tab Clear CSI Ps g Clear tab stops at current position (0) or all (3) (default=0). more
SM Set Mode CSI Pm h Set various terminal modes. more Partial
DECSET DEC Private Set Mode CSI ? Pm h Set various terminal attributes. more Partial
RM Reset Mode CSI Pm l Set various terminal attributes. more Partial
DECRST DEC Private Reset Mode CSI ? Pm l Reset various terminal attributes. more Partial
SGR Select Graphic Rendition CSI Pm m Set/Reset various text attributes. more Partial
DSR Device Status Report CSI Ps n Request cursor position (CPR) with Ps = 6.
DECDSR DEC Device Status Report CSI ? Ps n Only CPR is supported (same as DSR). Partial
DECRQM Request Mode CSI Ps $p Request mode state. more
DECSTR Soft Terminal Reset CSI ! p Reset several terminal attributes to initial state. more
DECSCA Select Character Protection Attribute CSI Ps " q Whether DECSED and DECSEL can erase (0=default, 2) or not (1).
DECSCUSR Set Cursor Style CSI Ps SP q Set cursor style. more
DECSTBM Set Top and Bottom Margin CSI Ps ; Ps r Set top and bottom margins of the viewport [top;bottom] (default = viewport size).
SCOSC Save Cursor CSI s Save cursor position, charmap and text attributes. Partial
SCORC Restore Cursor CSI u Restore cursor position, charmap and text attributes. Partial
DECIC Insert Columns CSI Ps ' } Insert Ps columns at cursor position. more
DECDC Delete Columns CSI Ps ' ~ Delete Ps columns at cursor position. more

Insert Characters

The ICH sequence inserts Ps blank characters. The cursor remains at the beginning of the blank characters. Text between the cursor and right margin moves to the right. Characters moved past the right margin are lost.

Scroll Left

SL moves the content of all lines within the scroll margins Ps times to the left. SL has no effect outside of the scroll margins.

Cursor Up

If the cursor would pass the top scroll margin, it will stop there.

Scroll Right

SL moves the content of all lines within the scroll margins Ps times to the right. Content at the right margin is lost. SL has no effect outside of the scroll margins.

Cursor Down

If the cursor would pass the bottom scroll margin, it will stop there.

Cursor Next Line

Same as CUD, additionally places the cursor at the first column.

Cursor Backward

Same as CUU, additionally places the cursor at the first column.

Cursor Position

If ORIGIN mode is set, places the cursor to the absolute position within the scroll margins. If ORIGIN mode is not set, places the cursor to the absolute position within the viewport. Note that the coordinates are 1-based, thus the top left position starts at 1 ; 1.

Erase In Display

Supported param values:

Ps Effect
0 Erase from the cursor through the end of the viewport.
1 Erase from the beginning of the viewport through the cursor.
2 Erase complete viewport.
3 Erase scrollback.

Erase In Line

Supported param values:

Ps Effect
0 Erase from the cursor through the end of the row.
1 Erase from the beginning of the line through the cursor.
2 Erase complete line.

Insert Line

For every inserted line at the scroll top one line at the scroll bottom gets removed. The cursor is set to the first column. IL has no effect if the cursor is outside the scroll margins.

Delete Line

For every deleted line at the scroll top one blank line at the scroll bottom gets appended. The cursor is set to the first column. DL has no effect if the cursor is outside the scroll margins.

Delete Character

As characters are deleted, the remaining characters between the cursor and right margin move to the left. Character attributes move with the characters. The terminal adds blank characters at the right margin.

Erase Character

ED erases Ps characters from current cursor position to the right. ED works inside or outside the scrolling margins.

Repeat Preceding Character

REP repeats the previous character Ps times advancing the cursor, also wrapping if DECAWM is set. REP has no effect if the sequence does not follow a printable ASCII character (NOOP for any other sequence in between or NON ASCII characters).

Tab Clear

Clearing tabstops off the active row (Ps = 2, VT100) is currently not supported.

Set Mode

Supported param values by SM:

Param Action Support
2 Keyboard Action Mode (KAM). Always on.
4 Insert Mode (IRM).
12 Send/receive (SRM). Always off.
20 Automatic Newline (LNM).

DEC Private Set Mode

Supported param values by DECSET:

param Action Support
1 Application Cursor Keys (DECCKM).
2 Designate US-ASCII for character sets G0-G3 (DECANM).
3 132 Column Mode (DECCOLM).
6 Origin Mode (DECOM).
7 Auto-wrap Mode (DECAWM).
8 Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM). Always on.
9 X10 xterm mouse protocol.
12 Start Blinking Cursor.
25 Show Cursor (DECTCEM).
45 Reverse wrap-around.
47 Use Alternate Screen Buffer.
66 Application keypad (DECNKM).
1000 X11 xterm mouse protocol.
1002 Use Cell Motion Mouse Tracking.
1003 Use All Motion Mouse Tracking.
1004 Send FocusIn/FocusOut events
1005 Enable UTF-8 Mouse Mode.
1006 Enable SGR Mouse Mode.
1015 Enable urxvt Mouse Mode.
1016 Enable SGR-Pixels Mouse Mode.
1047 Use Alternate Screen Buffer.
1048 Save cursor as in DECSC.
1049 Save cursor and switch to alternate buffer clearing it. Partial
2004 Set bracketed paste mode.

Reset Mode

Supported param values by RM:

Param Action Support
2 Keyboard Action Mode (KAM). Always on.
4 Replace Mode (IRM). (default)
12 Send/receive (SRM). Always off.
20 Normal Linefeed (LNM).

DEC Private Reset Mode

Supported param values by DECRST:

param Action Support
1 Normal Cursor Keys (DECCKM).
2 Designate VT52 mode (DECANM).
3 80 Column Mode (DECCOLM). Broken
6 Normal Cursor Mode (DECOM).
7 No Wraparound Mode (DECAWM).
8 No Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM).
9 Don’t send Mouse X & Y on button press.
12 Stop Blinking Cursor.
25 Hide Cursor (DECTCEM).
45 No reverse wrap-around.
47 Use Normal Screen Buffer.
66 Numeric keypad (DECNKM).
1000 Don’t send Mouse reports.
1002 Don’t use Cell Motion Mouse Tracking.
1003 Don’t use All Motion Mouse Tracking.
1004 Don’t send FocusIn/FocusOut events.
1005 Disable UTF-8 Mouse Mode.
1006 Disable SGR Mouse Mode.
1015 Disable urxvt Mouse Mode.
1016 Disable SGR-Pixels Mouse Mode.
1047 Use Normal Screen Buffer (clearing screen if in alt).
1048 Restore cursor as in DECRC.
1049 Use Normal Screen Buffer and restore cursor.
2004 Reset bracketed paste mode.

Select Graphic Rendition

SGR selects one or more character attributes at the same time. Multiple params (up to 32) are applied in order from left to right. The changed attributes are applied to all new characters received. If you move characters in the viewport by scrolling or any other means, then the attributes move with the characters.

Supported param values by SGR:

Param Meaning Support
0 Normal (default). Resets any other preceding SGR.
1 Bold. (also see options.drawBoldTextInBrightColors)
2 Faint, decreased intensity.
3 Italic.
4 Underlined (see below for style support).
5 Slowly blinking.
6 Rapidly blinking.
7 Inverse. Flips foreground and background color.
8 Invisible (hidden).
9 Crossed-out characters (strikethrough).
21 Doubly underlined.
22 Normal (neither bold nor faint).
23 No italic.
24 Not underlined.
25 Steady (not blinking).
27 Positive (not inverse).
28 Visible (not hidden).
29 Not Crossed-out (strikethrough).
30 Foreground color: Black.
31 Foreground color: Red.
32 Foreground color: Green.
33 Foreground color: Yellow.
34 Foreground color: Blue.
35 Foreground color: Magenta.
36 Foreground color: Cyan.
37 Foreground color: White.
38 Foreground color: Extended color. Partial
39 Foreground color: Default (original).
40 Background color: Black.
41 Background color: Red.
42 Background color: Green.
43 Background color: Yellow.
44 Background color: Blue.
45 Background color: Magenta.
46 Background color: Cyan.
47 Background color: White.
48 Background color: Extended color. Partial
49 Background color: Default (original).
53 Overlined.
55 Not Overlined.
58 Underline color: Extended color. Partial
90 - 97 Bright foreground color (analogous to 30 - 37).
100 - 107 Bright background color (analogous to 40 - 47).

Underline supports subparams to denote the style in the form 4 : x:

x Meaning Support
0 No underline. Same as SGR 24 m.
1 Single underline. Same as SGR 4 m.
2 Double underline.
3 Curly underline.
4 Dotted underline.
5 Dashed underline.
other Single underline. Same as SGR 4 m.

Extended colors are supported for foreground (Ps=38), background (Ps=48) and underline (Ps=58) as follows:

Ps + 1 Meaning Support
0 Implementation defined.
1 Transparent.
2 RGB color as Ps ; 2 ; R ; G ; B or Ps : 2 : : R : G : B.
3 CMY color.
4 CMYK color.
5 Indexed (256 colors) as Ps ; 5 ; INDEX or Ps : 5 : INDEX.

Request Mode

Returns a report as CSI Ps; Pm $ y (DECRPM), where Ps is the mode number as in SM/RM or DECSET/DECRST, and Pm is the mode value:

  • 0: not recognized
  • 1: set
  • 2: reset
  • 3: permanently set
  • 4: permanently reset

For modes not understood xterm.js always returns notRecognized. In general this means, that a certain operation mode is not implemented and cannot be used.

Modes changing the active terminal buffer (47, 1047, 1049) are not subqueried and only report, whether the alternate buffer is set.

Mouse encodings and mouse protocols are handled mutual exclusive, thus only one of each of those can be set at a given time.

There is a chance, that some mode reports are not fully in line with xterm.js’ behavior, e.g. if the default implementation already exposes a certain behavior. If you find discrepancies in the mode reports, please file a bug.

Soft Terminal Reset

There are two terminal reset sequences - RIS and DECSTR. While RIS performs almost a full terminal bootstrap, DECSTR only resets certain attributes. For most needs DECSTR should be sufficient.

The following terminal attributes are reset to default values:

  • IRM is reset (dafault = false)
  • scroll margins are reset (default = viewport size)
  • erase attributes are reset to default
  • charsets are reset
  • DECSC data is reset to initial values
  • DECOM is reset to absolute mode

Set Cursor Style

Supported cursor styles:

  • empty, 0 or 1: steady block
  • 2: blink block
  • 3: steady underline
  • 4: blink underline
  • 5: steady bar
  • 6: blink bar

Insert Columns

DECIC inserts Ps times blank columns at the cursor position for all lines with the scroll margins, moving content to the right. Content at the right margin is lost. DECIC has no effect outside the scrolling margins.

Delete Columns

DECDC deletes Ps times columns at the cursor position for all lines with the scroll margins, moving content to the left. Blank columns are added at the right margin. DECDC has no effect outside the scrolling margins.


Mnemonic Name Sequence Short Description Support
SIXEL SIXEL Graphics DCS Ps ; Ps ; Ps ; q Pt ST Draw SIXEL image. External
DECUDK User Defined Keys DCS Ps ; Ps \| Pt ST Definitions for user-defined keys.
XTGETTCAP Request Terminfo String DCS + q Pt ST Request Terminfo String.
XTSETTCAP Set Terminfo Data DCS + p Pt ST Set Terminfo Data.
DECRQSS Request Selection or Setting DCS $ q Pt ST Request several terminal settings. more Partial

Request Selection or Setting

Response is in the form ESC P 1 $ r Pt ST for valid requests, where Pt contains the corresponding CSI string, ESC P 0 ST for invalid requests.

Supported requests and responses:

Type Request Response (Pt)
Graphic Rendition (SGR) DCS $ q m ST always reporting 0m (currently broken)
Top and Bottom Margins (DECSTBM) DCS $ q r ST Ps ; Ps r
Cursor Style (DECSCUSR) DCS $ q SP q ST Ps SP q
Protection Attribute (DECSCA) DCS $ q " q ST Ps " q (DECSCA 2 is reported as Ps = 0)
Conformance Level (DECSCL) DCS $ q " p ST always reporting 61 ; 1 " p (DECSCL is unsupported)


Mnemonic Name Sequence Short Description Support
SC Save Cursor ESC 7 Save cursor position, charmap and text attributes.
RC Restore Cursor ESC 8 Restore cursor position, charmap and text attributes.
DECALN Screen Alignment Pattern ESC # 8 Fill viewport with a test pattern (E).
IND Index ESC D Move the cursor one line down scrolling if needed.
NEL Next Line ESC E Move the cursor to the beginning of the next row.
HTS Horizontal Tabulation Set ESC H Places a tab stop at the current cursor position.
IR Reverse Index ESC M Move the cursor one line up scrolling if needed.
DCS Device Control String ESC P Start of a DCS sequence.
CSI Control Sequence Introducer ESC [ Start of a CSI sequence.
ST String Terminator ESC \ Terminator used for string type sequences.
OSC Operating System Command ESC ] Start of an OSC sequence.
PM Privacy Message ESC ^ Start of a privacy message.
APC Application Program Command ESC _ Start of an APC sequence.


Note: Other than listed in the table, the parser recognizes both ST (ECMA-48) and BEL (xterm) as OSC sequence finalizer.

Identifier Sequence Short Description Support
0 OSC 0 ; Pt BEL Set window title and icon name. more Partial
1 OSC 1 ; Pt BEL Set icon name.
2 OSC 2 ; Pt BEL Set window title. more
4 OSC 4 ; c ; spec BEL Change color number c to the color specified by spec. more
8 OSC 8 ; params ; uri BEL Create a hyperlink to uri using params. more
10 OSC 10 ; Pt BEL Set or query default foreground color. more
11 OSC 11 ; Pt BEL Same as OSC 10, but for default background.
12 OSC 12 ; Pt BEL Same as OSC 10, but for default cursor color.
104 OSC 104 ; c BEL Reset color number c to themed color. more
110 OSC 110 BEL Restore default foreground to themed color.
111 OSC 111 BEL Restore default background to themed color.
112 OSC 112 BEL Restore default cursor to themed color.

Set Windows Title and Icon Name

Icon name is not supported. For Window Title see below.

Set Windows Title

xterm.js does not manipulate the title directly, instead exposes changes via the event Terminal.onTitleChange.

Set ANSI color

c is the color index between 0 and 255. The color format of spec is derived from XParseColor (see OSC 10 for supported formats). There may be multipe c ; spec pairs present in the same instruction. If spec contains ? the terminal returns a sequence with the currently set color.

uri is a hyperlink starting with http://, https://, ftp://, file:// or mailto://. params is an optional list of key=value assignments, separated by the : character. Example: id=xyz123:foo=bar:baz=quux. Currently only the id key is defined. Cells that share the same ID and URI share hover feedback. Use OSC 8 ; ; BEL to finish the current hyperlink.

Set or query default foreground color

To set the color, the following color specification formats are supported:

  • rgb:<red>/<green>/<blue> for <red>, <green>, <blue> in h | hh | hhh | hhhh, where h is a single hexadecimal digit (case insignificant). The different widths scale from 4 bit (h) to 16 bit (hhhh) and get converted to 8 bit (hh).
  • #RGB - 4 bits per channel, expanded to #R0G0B0
  • #RRGGBB - 8 bits per channel
  • #RRRGGGBBB - 12 bits per channel, truncated to #RRGGBB
  • #RRRRGGGGBBBB - 16 bits per channel, truncated to #RRGGBB

Note: X11 named colors are currently unsupported.

If Pt contains ? instead of a color specification, the terminal returns a sequence with the current default foreground color (use that sequence to restore the color after changes).

Note: Other than xterm, xterm.js does not support OSC 12 - 19. Therefore stacking multiple Pt separated by ; only works for the first two entries.

Reset ANSI color

c is the color index between 0 and 255. This function restores the default color for c as specified by the loaded theme. Any number of c parameters may be given. If no parameters are given, the entire indexed color table will be reset.